- Autor: Petr Bednář
- velikost písma Zmenšit písmo zvětšit písmo
- Tisk
Po dlouhých devíti letech jsme se dočkali úspěchu v Extralize. V sérii o bronzové medaile jsme celkem bez zádrhele porazili Spectrum Praha 2-0 na utkání. Výsledky 3-1 a 7-1 jsou kvalitní vizitkou nadhazovačské dvojky Joska-Brabec, VZHLEDEM K TOMU, že jsme čelili pálkařům, jenž dlouhých deset let rozsévají tvrdé hity jako na běžícím páse. Čelili jsme rovněž reprezentačnímu nadhazovači a v podstatě kompletnímu reprezentačnímu infieldu. I ty jsme dokázali propálit, což ostře kontrastovalo s nepovedeným semifinálovým výstupem...
Spectrum jsme v duelu o bronz poprvé zdolali v roce 2006 (2-1 na zápasy) a tehdy mocně rozvíjející se tým jsme předběhli v honbě za první ligovou medailí. Soupeř, s kterým se utkáváme už od roku 1999 (tehdy oba týmy postoupili do ligy) nám to pak vrátil v roce 2009 porážkou 0-2. Bronz jsme ještě vyhráli v roce 2007. Vlastně nevyhráli, protože jsme na protest nedohráli. Je tomu 10 let, tak si připomeňme, co nám tehdy napsal vrchní vykladač pravidel ISF. Viz pod článkem. V roce 2008 jsme bronz obhájili. Eagles tehdy odmítli hrát, že prý už o nic nejde...
Zisk bronzové medaile, byť cíle byly asi vyšší, je velkým úspěchem. Zejména pro mladší hráče je jistě velkou motivací. Medaili lze vybojovat a pokud v úsilí nepolevíme, nemusí být jen bronzová. Uvidíme další sezónu.
Nyní se již jen těšme, jak dopadne zajímavé finále mezi Ledenicemi a Hrochy.
Assuming that all of the above facts are correct, we can eliminate the following possible violations:
1.. The DP is not an illegal pitcher:
An Illegal Pitcher is a player legally in the game, but one who may not pitch as a result of
a. Being removed from the pitching position, by the umpire or the manager, as a result of the defensive charged
conference limit being exceeded,
2. The DP is not an illegal player:
An Illegal Player is a player who takes a position in the line-up, either on offense or defense, who has not been
reported to the umpire, including: These are the types of “Illegal Players:”
a. A FLEX PLAYER who is placed in the batting order in a position other than that of the starting DP.
b. A REPLACEMENT PLAYER entering the game (under the blood ruling) without reporting to the umpire.
c. A WITHDRAWN PLAYER (under the blood ruling) returning to the game, without reporting to the umpire.
NOTE: When brought to the plate umpire's attention by the offended team after the first legal or illegal pitch, and
before the team in violation informs the umpire, the use of the Illegal Player results in the removal of that player
from the game and declaring him ineligible.
3. The DP is not an illegal re-entry:
An Illegal Re-entry occurs when:
a. A starting player returns to the game a second time after twice being substituted.
b. A starting player returns to the game after being substituted but not in his original position in the offensive lineup.
c. A substitute who has legally been in the game returns to the game after being replaced by either the original
starting player or another substitute.
d. The starting DP (FP ONLY) is placed into the batting order in a position other than his original starting position.
4. The DP is not an illegal substitute (because he is already in the game):
An Illegal Substitute is a player who has entered the game without being announced to the umpire. He may be
a. A substitute who has not previously been in the game;
b. An Illegal Player;
c. A declared Ineligible Player;
d. An Illegal Re-entry; or
e. An Illegal DP or FLEX PLAYER (FP ONLY) or EP (SP ONLY).
f. A replacement player who remains in the game as an unannounced substitute for a withdrawn player who
has not returned to the game within the time permitted under the provisions of the replacement player rule.
5.. The DP is not an ineligible player:
An Ineligible Player is a player who may no longer legally participate in the game, because the umpire has removed
6. The DP is a starting player:
Rule 1, Sec. 88. STARTING PLAYERS.
Starting Players are the players listed on the official line-up given to the Umpire-In-Chief and/or the plate umpire.
A starting player shall be official when the line-up card is inspected, and approved, by the plate umpire and team
representative at the pre-game meeting.
a. The names may be entered on the official line-up card in advance of this meeting.
b. However, in case of injury or illness, changes may be made at the pre-game meeting with the umpires. A listed
substitute may take the place of a player whose name is in his team’s batting order. He would then be
considered the starting player.
c. The player so replaced at the meeting could enter the game, as a substitute, at any time later in the game.
7. The only instances of changes involving the DP that must be reported to the umpire are:
a) NOTE: The FLEX replacing the DP in the offensive line-up is not a substitution, but the change must be
notified to the umpire. If the starting DP is replaced on offense by the FLEX, or by a substitute, the DP is
considered to have left the game, or
b) NOTE: The DP replacing the FLEX on defense is not a substitution, but the change must be reported to the
8. The DP is not a substitute:
A substitute is a player listed on the official line-up card, who is:
a. A non-starting player who has not been in the game, other than as a Replacement Player.
b. A starting player who has left the game and legally returns to the game.
NOTE: 1. This is referred to as a re-entry.
2. The player may only return to his previous position in the batting order.
9. Rule 4, Section 5g states: “The DP may play defense at any position. Should the DP play defense for a player other than the FLEX, that player will continue to bat, but not play defense, and is NOT considered to have left the game.” i.e., no substitution has occurred.
10. Because the DP's moving to the pitching position is not considered a substitution in this example (see #7 above), Rule 4, Section 8 does not apply:
A substitute may take the place of a player whose name is in his team’s batting order. The following regulations
govern player substitutions.
a. The coach or team representative of the team making the substitution shall immediately notify the plate
umpire at the time the substitute enters. The plate umpire shall report the change to the scorer. A substitute
is not officially in the game until a pitch has been thrown or a play made.
1. (FP ONLY) If the DP replaces the FLEX or the FLEX replaces the DP, this change must be
reported to the plate umpire. PENALTY: If not reported, it is treated the same as an Unreported
Substitute/Illegal Player.
11. According to Rule 4, Section 8g, the DP is not an Illegal Player (because he does have a legal right to the pitching position):
An Illegal Player is a player who takes a position in the line-up, either on offense or defense, who does not
have a legal right to that position. A player will not violate the Illegal Player rule until one pitch (legal or
illegal) has been thrown or a play made.
As you can see, there is no place in the rules that addresses the act of failing to report changes in position among defensive players who are currently in the line-up. Since we have already eliminated all the various forms of illegal/ineligible/unreported players as applying to this specific incident, the only reasonable conclusion that we can make is that no violation of the rules occurred. In fact, this particular change is no different from (for example) moving the left fielder to RF and the right fielder to LF during an inning. Yes, as a matter of courtesy such changes should be announced to the umpire (and scorekeepers), but there is no penalty specified in the rules for failure to do so. Therefore, it is my opinion that no penalty that can be applied for this type of change, and the protest should not be upheld.
Best regards,
- Bob -